thank you for supporting manup?

We’ve created a small library of logos, posters, flyers & clothing to help you get started.

Please feel free to download and use these to promote your campaign whether it’s an event, a challenge or simply awareness.

A couple of requests:

  • Where you use the name MANUP? to reference the charity, always use it in capitals with a question mark at the end as above.

  • And please do not alter the literature or logos in any way. We’ve spent a lot of time on our branding and need to be consistent in the way that we’re portrayed.

Lastly, have fun doing whatever you’re doing!

Posters and flyers/handouts

MANUP? Print collateral version 1

Simply click on the size you would like.

A3 poster 1.8Mb

A4 poster 1.7 Mb

A5 flyer 1Mb

MANUP? Print collateral version 2

Simply click on the size you would like.

A3 poster 1.8Mb

A4 poster 1.7 Mb

A5 flyer 1Mb

MANUP? logos

Logo with white text

Download: PNG (rgb) PDF (cmyk)

Black logo with transparent text

Download: PNG (rgb) PDF (cmyk)

Logo with white lozenge

Download: PNG (rgb) PDF (cmyk)

White logo with transparent background

Download: PNG (rgb) PDF (cmyk)

Logo with transparent text

Download: PNG (rgb)

Fundraising QR code
(links to our JustGiving account)



Our currency is awareness; ultimately, that is what we want to raise together.

It is greatly appreciated if you raise money, as it would enable us to keep doing what we're doing, but changing minds is our goal.

On that note, we hope the following tips will boost both awareness and money.

Send us a message on our social channels if you need clothing for a fundraiser or special event.
As much as we’d like to, we can’t give our merchandise away for free as we're a charity.
If you’re raising over £250, talk to us!

MANUP? merchandise